Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Every once in a while there arises an opportunity for self-sacrifice such that the gains are so incredibly massive that their scale is difficult to grasp. Consider the fact that had Adolf Hitler's father carried little junior in loving arms to the front porch and caved in his infant head with an old, but serviceable ball peen hammer that the entirety of World War II would likely have been avoided. The emotional cost to the father, no doubt, would've been severe, but when compared to the immense gain in later years there's no question as to its worthiness and honor.

This same character of self-sacrifice can also be seen in the holiest of all space: Anoikis. One might even risk saying that the self-sacrifice witnessed by the lucky few in w-space is even more glorious and worthy than that in the previous scenario.

Just recently our small, but savage group of pilots in Cold Moon Destruction, sustaining ourselves in spartan quarters and living off of what little could be found in our immediate vicinity were ruthlessly set upon by a horde of Bolshevik homosexuals.

Our elite pilots held the invading horde at bay for as long as they could, reducing the available mass on the wormhole with skill and cunning, but the onslaught was overwhelming. We were forced to fall back and regroup.

Knowing the communist dogs for what they were - a malignant infestation of Bob's holy cosmos, ever-seeking to spread their Marxist filth to all non-believers - we summoned our bravest pilot.

With his strength bolstered and senses dulled by delicious red wine he boarded the hole-closer (known to everyone else in the entire game as a pvp Phobos) and proceeded without delay to collapse the wormhole before those Slavic mongoloids had a chance to seed our system with scouts and blasphemous idols of their precious Rasputin.

Our beautiful Swagshack was saved, but the same could not be said of Malception.

On the far side of the wormhole he was surrounded by a vast armada of war ships. Unwilling to show any fear he targeted the largest of their brood, a Navy Dominix, and charged forward.

Guns and missiles and lazorbeamz erupted for as far as the eye could see. Only after vast swaths of the enemy fleet had been cripplingly reduced to the narrowest margins of buckling structure did the Phobos succumb to the massive amounts of terrible firepower arrayed against it.

Malception's sacrifice saved countless internet spaceships that day. We should all look to him as an example of righteousness and how to die in a glorious fire, selflessly sacrificing himself and his worthless Genolution implants in defense of the realm.

As for those Russian suck-tards...

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