Channel ID: -64189487
Channel Name: Private Chat (DERELICT MYBALLS)
Listener: Malception
Session started: 2014.10.22 23:28:46
[ 2014.10.22 23:28:49 ] DERELICT MYBALLS > o7
[ 2014.10.22 23:28:53 ] Malception > \o
[ 2014.10.22 23:29:06 ] DERELICT MYBALLS > :)
[ 2014.10.22 23:29:17 ] Malception > hi there, leader
[ 2014.10.22 23:29:30 ] Wakkachu > good evening nice to meet you
[ 2014.10.22 23:29:36 ] Malception > so what's up?
[ 2014.10.22 23:30:18 ] Wakkachu > well obivoiuslsy we have a lot to talk about
[ 2014.10.22 23:30:29 ] Malception > i'm all ears
[ 2014.10.22 23:30:41 ] Wakkachu > derelict told me about the co op killing chance
[ 2014.10.22 23:30:56 ] DERELICT MYBALLS > IT WAS MAGICALL
[ 2014.10.22 23:31:22 ] Malception > easy peasy
[ 2014.10.22 23:31:26 ] Wakkachu > and of course i dont know your corps true intentions
[ 2014.10.22 23:31:34 ] Malception > Kill: Chance Ravinne (Stratios)
[ 2014.10.22 23:31:42 ] DERELICT MYBALLS > OH MY YESSSAAHHH
[ 2014.10.22 23:31:43 ] Malception > indeed.
[ 2014.10.22 23:31:53 ] Malception > i suppose you have no way of knowing our true intentions
[ 2014.10.22 23:31:58 ] DERELICT MYBALLS > ill shut up now
[ 2014.10.22 23:32:52 ] Wakkachu > but are you willing to disscuss an agreement with VV and dutch?
[ 2014.10.22 23:33:50 ] Malception > we can discuss anything you like. obviously any agreement depends on the terms for both parties, but go ahead and tell me wha tyou've been thinking.
[ 2014.10.22 23:34:05 ] Wakkachu > of course
[ 2014.10.22 23:34:26 ] Wakkachu > the devil is allways in the details
[ 2014.10.22 23:34:48 ] Wakkachu > from my point of view
[ 2014.10.22 23:35:27 ] Wakkachu > i have no agreement to offer you as i dont know where we stand but i am willing to disscus
[ 2014.10.22 23:36:17 ] Malception > would you like to know where we stand then as far as The Company is concerned?
[ 2014.10.22 23:37:57 ] Wakkachu > cool thats a start of course you guys run under your own objectives and thats perfectly fine. I have no problem with that. So what are your guys MO?
[ 2014.10.22 23:38:26 ] Malception > we kill stuff.
[ 2014.10.22 23:38:37 ] DERELICT MYBALLS > they are good
[ 2014.10.22 23:38:40 ] DERELICT MYBALLS > :D
[ 2014.10.22 23:38:42 ] Malception > constantly in and out of wormholes looking for targets and fat loot
[ 2014.10.22 23:38:51 ] Wakkachu > i get that from your kill board mate
[ 2014.10.22 23:39:28 ] Malception > we went through your hole a few days ago and saw that those homolords were harassing you so we offered our assistance to blap them.
[ 2014.10.22 23:39:41 ] Wakkachu > do you have an intrest in forming a NAP with us? is that within your objectives?
[ 2014.10.22 23:39:43 ] Malception > there's not much to it. derelict was very helpful.
[ 2014.10.22 23:39:51 ] DERELICT MYBALLS > I KILLED MYSELF
[ 2014.10.22 23:39:57 ] DERELICT MYBALLS > FOR THE TEAM!!
[ 2014.10.22 23:40:09 ] Malception > not particularly. we wouldn't gain anything from a nap with a bunch of bears.
[ 2014.10.22 23:40:15 ] DERELICT MYBALLS > then i had Bacon
[ 2014.10.22 23:40:40 ] Wakkachu > ok fair enough
[ 2014.10.22 23:40:44 ] Malception > derelict said you guys do some industry stuff. is that right?
[ 2014.10.22 23:40:50 ] Malception > do you build any ships or ammo?
[ 2014.10.22 23:41:17 ] Wakkachu > we do many things within eve online mate yes we have a presence here in a WH
[ 2014.10.22 23:41:21 ] Malception > or POS fuel? anything that might be useful to wormholers like ourselves?
[ 2014.10.22 23:41:46 ] Wakkachu > are you looking for an arms dealer?
[ 2014.10.22 23:42:11 ] Malception > i'm looking for someone who can provide something useful to us in exchange for something like a NAP.
[ 2014.10.22 23:42:26 ] Wakkachu > fiar enough
[ 2014.10.22 23:42:51 ] Wakkachu > what arms are you looking for?
[ 2014.10.22 23:43:36 ] Malception > POS fuel would be helpful
[ 2014.10.22 23:43:44 ] Wakkachu > what race?
[ 2014.10.22 23:43:53 ] Malception > amarr
[ 2014.10.22 23:44:19 ] Wakkachu > and what sort of deal are you looking for fuel blocks?
[ 2014.10.22 23:45:08 ] Malception > a NAP and Mutual Defense Treaty in exchange for fuel.
[ 2014.10.22 23:45:12 ] Malception > on a regular basis.
[ 2014.10.22 23:45:31 ] Wakkachu > no ofence mate
[ 2014.10.22 23:45:38 ] Malception > in reality that plays out to us coming to your aid for pvp. we can handle pvp on our own
[ 2014.10.22 23:45:56 ] Wakkachu > yes you guys are good at PVP
[ 2014.10.22 23:46:00 ] Wakkachu > but
[ 2014.10.22 23:46:27 ] Wakkachu > you are asumeing we are defenceless bears
[ 2014.10.22 23:46:42 ] Malception > from the looks of you kb that's exactly what you are.
[ 2014.10.22 23:47:07 ] Malception > still, you're free to burn at the hands of thatscrub we blapped the other day if youw ant.
[ 2014.10.22 23:47:19 ] Wakkachu > well i agree with you but thats fact of being new pilot friendly mate
[ 2014.10.22 23:47:31 ] Wakkachu > well
[ 2014.10.22 23:47:44 ] Wakkachu > we are not burning to wingspan mate
[ 2014.10.22 23:48:30 ] Wakkachu > now
[ 2014.10.22 23:48:52 ] Wakkachu > I am willing to disscus a mutral agreement with VV and dutch
[ 2014.10.22 23:49:05 ] Wakkachu > that would be beneficail to both partys
[ 2014.10.22 23:49:15 ] Wakkachu > but
[ 2014.10.22 23:49:48 ] Wakkachu > i am not willing to enter an agreement where you think we are you pets, do you follow me mate?
[ 2014.10.22 23:52:36 ] Malception > i don't see how you providing us what we need in exchange for what you need is making you our pets. if anything we're the ones that are going to have to do all the leg work, but since you dont like it what do you have in mind?
[ 2014.10.22 23:53:08 ] Wakkachu > cool
[ 2014.10.22 23:53:32 ] Wakkachu > VV is not asking dutch to come to our call to defend us
[ 2014.10.22 23:54:03 ] Wakkachu > VV is surgesting you are a roam ing gang
[ 2014.10.22 23:54:23 ] Wakkachu > VV operaties in many areas of eve
[ 2014.10.22 23:55:16 ] Wakkachu > i belive we can for some agreement that can be a benefit to both groups
[ 2014.10.22 23:55:57 ] Malception > such as?
[ 2014.10.22 23:56:22 ] Wakkachu > well baring fuel blocks what would help you guys?
[ 2014.10.22 23:56:34 ] Malception > how about intel on targets?
[ 2014.10.22 23:57:43 ] Wakkachu > in hi low null and wh space we could potentcail help alot. Do you have anybody in mind or is it genral?
[ 2014.10.22 23:57:45 ] Malception > if you guys operate throughout eve you're in a good position to feed us intel on where to find idiots running sites
[ 2014.10.22 23:58:02 ] Malception > in general. we're equal opportunity gankers.
[ 2014.10.22 23:58:11 ] Wakkachu > larfs like it
[ 2014.10.22 23:59:00 ] Malception > if you guys have any affiliates we could use intel from them as well.
[ 2014.10.22 23:59:19 ] Wakkachu > yes we do have contacts in new eden
[ 2014.10.22 23:59:33 ] Wakkachu > of course im not going to tell you now
[ 2014.10.22 23:59:41 ] Wakkachu > as we have only just met
[ 2014.10.23 00:00:02 ] Wakkachu > what posistion do you have in your corp?
[ 2014.10.23 00:00:36 ] Malception > Head Nigger In Charge (HNIC)
[ 2014.10.23 00:00:54 ] Wakkachu > ok forgive me but what does that mean?
[ 2014.10.23 00:02:10 ] Malception > well since we just met i don't really feel all that comfortable telling you the details, but what position do you hold in your organization?
[ 2014.10.23 00:02:29 ] Wakkachu > ok thats cool
[ 2014.10.23 00:02:35 ] Wakkachu > then answer me this
[ 2014.10.23 00:03:00 ] Wakkachu > do you have the autharity to speck on behalf of dutch?
[ 2014.10.23 00:03:12 ] Malception > Yes.
[ 2014.10.23 00:03:24 ] Wakkachu > cool
[ 2014.10.23 00:03:41 ] Wakkachu > as you know i am the alliance leader of VV
[ 2014.10.23 00:03:45 ] Malception > doyou have the authority to speak for VV or should i be directing my questions from here on out at Derelict?
[ 2014.10.23 00:04:02 ] Wakkachu > just aswered that one mate
[ 2014.10.23 00:04:11 ] Malception > barely. go on.
[ 2014.10.23 00:04:24 ] Wakkachu > not barely
[ 2014.10.23 00:04:31 ] Wakkachu > i am the alliance leader mate
[ 2014.10.23 00:05:17 ] Wakkachu > may i make a surgestion to you
[ 2014.10.23 00:05:30 ] Malception > no, but you may get to the point.
[ 2014.10.23 00:06:10 ] Wakkachu > ok my point is this
[ 2014.10.23 00:08:28 ] Wakkachu > I surgest myself and dutch areange a conversation regarding mutail agreement at an arange time. If this is condusive with dutch plans great. if not then i dont belive we can reach an agreement. wouldnt agree?
[ 2014.10.23 00:09:19 ] Wakkachu > you^
[ 2014.10.23 00:09:26 ] Malception > what mutual agreement do you have in mind?
[ 2014.10.23 00:09:50 ] Wakkachu > i think you missed my point mate
[ 2014.10.23 00:10:09 ] Wakkachu > i surgest
[ 2014.10.23 00:10:30 ] Malception > you want to discuss the undisclosed terms of an as yet unproposed agreement at a future date then?
[ 2014.10.23 00:10:43 ] Wakkachu > me and dutch arrange a meeting to disscuse this
[ 2014.10.23 00:11:04 ] Wakkachu > when i say dutch i meen you and your bosses
[ 2014.10.23 00:11:19 ] Wakkachu > i am willing to arrange this
[ 2014.10.23 00:11:23 ] Wakkachu > but
[ 2014.10.23 00:11:39 ] Wakkachu > i feel you are unwilling to do this
[ 2014.10.23 00:13:40 ] Wakkachu > am i worng?
[ 2014.10.23 00:14:01 ] Malception > without knowing what you have in mind, aside from a mutual agreement,i can't commit to meeting in the future.
[ 2014.10.23 00:14:10 ] Wakkachu > agreed
[ 2014.10.23 00:14:16 ] Malception > wouldyou like to give more detail onyour thoughts?
[ 2014.10.23 00:14:28 ] Wakkachu > sure
[ 2014.10.23 00:14:35 ] Malception > thanks.
[ 2014.10.23 00:16:16 ] Wakkachu > my thought are thus
[ 2014.10.23 00:16:34 ] Wakkachu > I have intel on you guys
[ 2014.10.23 00:16:58 ] Wakkachu > but thats the only data I have to form an opion on you guys
[ 2014.10.23 00:17:09 ] Wakkachu > i dont have
[ 2014.10.23 00:17:20 ] Wakkachu > point of contct with you guys
[ 2014.10.23 00:17:34 ] Wakkachu > this is why we are talking
[ 2014.10.23 00:17:48 ] Wakkachu > so i can understand who you are
[ 2014.10.23 00:17:50 ] Malception > very well. would you like me to shed any light on any of the intel you have on us?
[ 2014.10.23 00:18:03 ] Wakkachu > of course not mate
[ 2014.10.23 00:18:15 ] Wakkachu > this is why i wanna talk to you
[ 2014.10.23 00:18:25 ] Wakkachu > get it first hand from you
[ 2014.10.23 00:18:25 ] Malception > so what would you like to know about us?
[ 2014.10.23 00:18:28 ] Wakkachu > or
[ 2014.10.23 00:18:31 ] Wakkachu > your corp
[ 2014.10.23 00:19:03 ] Wakkachu > this is why i want to discuss further ops
[ 2014.10.23 00:19:05 ] Wakkachu > but
[ 2014.10.23 00:19:11 ] Wakkachu > if you think
[ 2014.10.23 00:19:23 ] Wakkachu > we will pay you not to atack us
[ 2014.10.23 00:19:30 ] Wakkachu > then you are wrong
[ 2014.10.23 00:19:35 ] Wakkachu > that wont happen
[ 2014.10.23 00:19:43 ] Wakkachu > so i surgest
[ 2014.10.23 00:20:27 ] Wakkachu > we arange a meeting between you and I and your CEO to potencail look at co operation
[ 2014.10.23 00:20:55 ] Wakkachu > if your not happy with that
[ 2014.10.23 00:20:59 ] Wakkachu > thats fine
[ 2014.10.23 00:22:00 ] Malception > cooperation on what level? when do you propose we have this meeting? where will it take place? i need a level of detail about what you want to discuss beyond what you're providing.
[ 2014.10.23 00:22:19 ] Wakkachu > fiar enough
[ 2014.10.23 00:22:38 ] Wakkachu > whenis a good time for your guys to come and talk to me?
[ 2014.10.23 00:23:45 ] Malception > We're going blue because Derelict was persuasive and showed us that it was valuable to us as well as you to go blue
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