Friday, April 26, 2013

Late Nights

Writing the title to this post I immediately started thinking of a song from Aladdin: Arabian Nights. I can't stand that movie, but I really like that song. Anyway...

I've managed to work out a less-than-ideal solution to my recent lack of play-time on the home front (ie with the wife). Due to my work schedule I can't really stay up late and night during the week, which really forces me to get in all my gaming on the weekends. Since that is the case I've gotten the clear to stay up all night on Friday's and I won't be bothered Saturday. I can sleep in until mid-afternoon.

Now, while I can play all night and into the morning on Friday night/Saturday morning, that's not really how I like to do things. I'd much rather have a few hours on several days throughout the week, so let this be a lesson to you younger gentlemen who probably have never seen a women naked without paying for it: just don't get married! If you don't want to take my word for it then at least take the advice of the great and powerful Sam, possibly one of the wisest cocaine sages of the 1980's.

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